
2020 new year new start 2021 coronavirus pandemic lockdown furlough quarantine wfh work from home

Looking Back at 2020

by Signspeed
posted 4th January 2021

Well... What a crazy year 2020 was!
If you’d told us this time last year what we were in for, we’d probably have assumed you were referring to a script for the latest ‘end of the world’ blockbuster to come out of Hollywood… (going to the cinema, what's that again?!)

Let’s take a whistlestop tour of the last 12 months...
January saw severe winter flooding across the UK, thanks to storm Ciara and Dennis (feels like longer than a year ago doesn’t it) resulting in at least £150 million in property damages, homelessness and sadly some deaths too. This led us into the wettest February on record here in Wales, since 1766…
February then saw an extreme contrast for Australia, suffering at the hand of their ‘black summer’ with bushfires ravaging 18.6 million hectares of land, killing hundreds of people and destroying thousands of homes.
March officially declared Coronavirus as a pandemic across the world. Although we were already familiar with Covid-19, early 2020 had seen it mostly contained within China - little did we know how the rest of 2020 would pan out…
April, May, June, July, August, September, October and November then seemed to pass in a weird 8 month blur, filled with lockdowns, working from home, furlough, NHS clapping, cancelled holidays, Boris' speeches and the start of a vaccination programme!
December then saw the arrival of a lockdown Christmas (of sorts). After months of planning and looking forward to seeing our families, the virus gained momentum, developing into a new strain which saw plans downscaled everywhere and even cancelled in some areas of the UK… but all to try and keep our loved ones safe!

Everyday vocabulary to come out of 2020:
Lockdown, WFH (work from home), Furlough, Pandemic, Quarantine, Fake-News, Pfizer, Wuhan, Eating Bats, Zoom Quizzes…

Weird trends to come out of 2020:
- Referring to Corona as something other than a refreshing, summer beer
- Attending family quizzes on zoom
- Dressing for work meaning top half office, bottom half pyjamas!
- Dresses with masks built into them
- Families becoming Tik-Tok sensations
- Panic buying then subsequent shortages of toilet rolls and spaghetti...

We really hope 2021 is a better year, we're thankful to the NHS for supporting us through the last 12 months and we look forward to getting back to normal, whenever that may be

Stay Safe, Team Signspeed x

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